
Hi! My name is Ken. I'm going to periodically write about running, writing, and a number of other topics. Please feel free to read my posts and provide your comments. If you have a question about any topic, leave a message and I'll try to help you get the information you're looking for. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again soon.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Learning From The Past

Almost all of my running friends keep a regular running/workout log. This information is especially helpful when working on future running plans. As March approaches, I plan on examining my old running logs dating back to 2007.  I actually put together a post not that long ago where I shared details about my interval work and compared data in 2007-2009 to 1997-1999.

Take a look back at your logs and see if you can use this information to have an even better 2011. If you don't keep a log, perhaps it's a good time to start one. Do whatever works for you. Some people prefer to write these out, while others do it electronically.

Good luck. I guarantee there's something in the information that will help you. Let me know what you found. I'm interested.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Streaking in my House?

This past weekend was Super Bowl Sunday. I had planned to do a 6 mile run on Saturday, but things got in the way. So around 10:00 am on Sunday, I set out for a nice six mile run, three miles out and back, through some nice residential areas. It was sunny and the temperature had warmed up to a toasty 39 degree F, as good as it gets for running and snow roof clearing this winter. 
I was surprised by the number of people out on their roofs removing snow though. It seemed like every other house I passed had someone doing it. I exchanged a few words with several people about how much fun it was removing snow and that I would be doing the same when I returned from my run. I still had to clear the front side of my roof, which had almost three feet of snow on it.
When I reached the turnaround point, I checked my watch and discovered I had covered the distance in  24:59, not too bad given that I had to slow down on a number of sections because of black ice and snow. My return trip was covered in 24:18, a nice 41 second negative split. I picked up the pace towards the end of the run, but not too much because of my soon-to-be roof clearing duties.As you can see from the pictures, there was a lot to remove. Luckily, my son joined in so it went faster.
Anyway, you're probably starting to wonder why I titled this post as I did. I'm getting to that albeit slowly. Five hours later and one lunch break, we finished removing all the snow. I let out a sigh of relief since another big storm was supposedly headed our way. As it turned out, it was a false alarm. That was okay because at least now I can see my roof. 
I finally headed to the shower to get cleaned up. We were going over to my niece's condo for a birthday /Super Bowl party at 5:00 pm so I needed to get moving and it was already 4:30 pm. Just before I jumped into the shower, I remembered that I left my towel out in the family room. So I headed down there, buck naked to retrieve it. My mother-in-law was going to drive with us over to the condo because there's little room to park. What I didn't know was that she showed up early and was talking to my wife in the family room as I casually strolled down to get my towel. As I entered the kitchen, which is just before the family room, I heard something that made me pause. Then I heard my wife say, "KENNN!" She could see me,but my mother-in-law was just out of sight, to my left. I quickly scurried back to the bathroom and got another towel. So one more step and I would have flashed her for sure, front and back. That was close!

Have you ever done anything like this? Was it a "near miss" or a "hit"? Just curious.