My area has been the recipient of some significant snow lately. With the trails covered with 8 to 10 inches, it was time to break out the snowshoes for trail running. My first snowshoe run this year was this past Sunday. Calvin, my lab, and I had to cut trail since there were only several spots where deer had patted down the snow. These runs are always a challenge because every mile covered is like going twice that distance or more. I covered about 3 miles that day, while Calvin, with his zigzag approach, probably went 3.5 miles.
The trail we run goes by a large open field. We did an out and back route, which had us retracing our steps past the field. Well, with the strong wind blowing across the area, our tracks were completely covered. So much for it being easier on the way back.
We went out again this morning. It was definitely easier because other people had followed our tracks. There were even a set of cross country ski tracks, which helped smooth things out. Calvin was wearing his usual bright blue doggy coat, which has a few battle scars on it from Calvin's occasion ventures into the pricker bushes along the trail. I let him off the leash for most of the run except for a few spots where the trail is close to a road and one where the trail actually crosses it.
I swear that Calvin loves running more than I do. He does 360 degree turns in the air beforehand when he sees me putting on my running gear. Then the barking starts. He has to make sure all the other dogs in the area know that he's going for a run and they aren't. He's funny like that.
Anyway, did anyone else venture out in the snow for a run recently? I'm curious. Let me know.