Over the past several years, I've written a number of posts about speedwork. I just started going to the local track once a week again to do repeats, specifically half miles and quarters. You might remember me comparing actual track speedwork from two different decades, 1997-1999 and 2008 - 2009s in a previous post. There was about a thirty second difference in times, slower more recently.
On July 12, 2013, I did five halves (3:24, 3:30, 3:29, 3:29, and 3:26) and two quarters (1:36 and 1:34). These times compare quite well with my times from 2007-2009. I ran a rest quarter in between each hard repeat. I also used my lightweight Merrills, which seemed to help me increase my turnover.
On July18, 2013, I did five halves (3:23, 3:27, 3:30, 3:29, and 3:37). It was very hot and humid that morning and I really struggled to do the workout. I brought two bottles of water, but that didn't last long. With the sun beating down on me, I couldn't manage to do the two quarters I had planned to do. I like to think of these workouts as character building, but I was really tired after finishing.
I was unable to get in a track speedwork session last week because of several issues. I still did some pickups on a nearby trail on July 24, 2013 during a 7 mile run. I ran two minutes faster on the return trip from an out and back run.
I'll keep you posted on my times to see how these workouts help my overall speed. Stay tuned.