
Hi! My name is Ken. I'm going to periodically write about running, writing, and a number of other topics. Please feel free to read my posts and provide your comments. If you have a question about any topic, leave a message and I'll try to help you get the information you're looking for. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again soon.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Team Cherico/Zimmerman to Participate in the Ghost Run on 11/6/10

Hi everyone,

You might recall, I put up an October post about a number of running friends who have passed away. We had hoped to participate as a four person relay team in the Hartford Marathon this year. Unfortunately, things just didn't work out. But Team Cherico/Zimmerman is back at it next weekend in Hebron, CT to run the Ghost Run. It's a 13.1+ mile race that takes place mostly on the Airline Rail Trail in Eastern CT. I've run the race twice in memory of Dave. Team Cherico actually took first place for the COED Division one of those years.

The race is a point to point affair so we'll be shuttling back and forth that morning. The race legs are 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 miles respectively.  Do you think anyone will wear a costume?

Anyway, I can't wait to do the race.



  1. I hope the run is good. can't wait to read about it

  2. Thanks Michelle! I'm anxious to read about your marathon summary after you kick butt!

  3. Best wishes for a great race! Is it a costumed race? Those are always fun. I won first place for costume a few years ago...a runaway bride. It was hard to run in a dress, I can't imagine going any further than a 5k. Hope you have a great run!

  4. CeeMe,

    Thanks for the encouragement. It's not formally run as a costume race, but I believe some people show up in costumes. That's a pretty good trick to be able to run in a dress. Good job.



Your comments are appreciated!