
Hi! My name is Ken. I'm going to periodically write about running, writing, and a number of other topics. Please feel free to read my posts and provide your comments. If you have a question about any topic, leave a message and I'll try to help you get the information you're looking for. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again soon.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Funniest Thing Happened To Me One Day Running

Now I know everyone has had something funny happen to them while running. The question is are you brave enough to reveal it? If it's a little embarrassing, then go with a second story. But let me just say that it's healthy to be able to laugh at oneself. So with that introduction, I'll get things started. 

Back a number of years ago, I went for a 12 mile run with several friends. The course we traveled took us on paved roads, rail trail, technical trail, across a steel railroad bridge, by a waterfall, over several streams, by a landfill, through a swamp with raised wooden walkways, and on some paved bike paths. It's a really cool course that I discovered one day while following a new trail I found. Anyway, on our way back, I was busting one of my friends about something. We were about 4 miles from finishing when inexplicably he ducked his head down just in front of me. For a split second, I wondered and soon found out why. A "flock of  seagulls" had decided to let loose with some crap and somehow he saw it coming. I was too busy busting him. A large load of bird doo-doo splashed across the front of my nice red Nike tee shirt. Perhaps I had it coming. At least I didn't get it in the face, but it was close.

How about you? Can you top that mediocre story? I'm interested.


  1. I can't top that story. :)
    I did have 2 bird doo-doo incidents when I was in Rome and Vatican City. Some Italian told me it's good luck!
    So, watch it. GOod luck is coming your way!

  2. I can't top it either!

    However, in a memorable patch of running, I was plagued by wild animals crossing my path. Chipmunks, Squirrels, a occasional deer, 2 dogs who decided to chase me (2 consec runs and the only dogs I've ever been chased by in 11 yrs of runs) and a (yes) porcupine that scared the beejesus out of me so much so that I yelped like a girl, piter-patered around it and had a pounding in my heart that rivaled jumping off a building. Unforgettable :)

  3. Thankfully I don't have a bird doo story either, but have had a similar experience as Ko...except it was just a shadow! I was in my running zone, completely tuned out and the wind must have moved a nearby bush or branch, but all I know is I saw something move, quickly and directly in my path, and it startled me so badly that I SCREAMED and jumped to the other side of the path. A busy running path. With lots of other people. Who saw me scream at a windy bush.

  4. I've been hit a few times. The first time, I had no idea what it was, thought it must have started to rain a little, until I realized it reeked. The second time, there were a million birds all perched on this telephone wire. I've never seen that many birds before. I thought I was in a Hitchcock movie. So when I got hit, I knew exactly what happened. The third time was unexciting, except that it happened early in a long run, so I had to deal with it for like 18 miles. I was alone all three times though, and all three were summer runs when I was running sports bra, and I never ruined any clothes.

  5. Good story, Ken! And I love the comments. My runs seem really boring now!! LOL

  6. Hey Davina,

    How about you? Don't you have at least one story. Come on-I won't tell too many people. Ha, Ha!


  7. Ha-ha-ha...I guess your friend had the last laugh! That's funny. I have a bunch of stories for you. I posted it in my blog under "A funny thing...(part2). I had an encounter with a very vicious geese! He would not let me pass this narrow running trail. He hissed every time I tried to run.

  8. Hey Ken! Thanks for the comment, I didn't think about getting wider shoes. I do have some pretty wide feet.

    I do have somewhat of an embarrassing running story. When I was on my high school track team I was at the starting line to run the 800m next to a teammate. When the gun went off I started off and tripped over my own two feet, then causing my teammate to fall over me and we both just fell on our faces in front of everyone. Our times were not the best that day and I felt so bad!

  9. Gotta love running with (or perhaps into) nature. I've luckily never gotten bombed by pigeon poo, but this one backwoods trail I used to run on was also used by the local horse club for trail rides. I was out running one day after it had been raining, which make the trail a bit slick. I slipped in some mud and fell landing right on top of a pile of horse dung...good times. I was just glad I was out by myself and no one else was around to see....

  10. Hey Aurls,

    I can honestly say that I haven't dung that before. Ha Ha!

    Nasty.You might even say that you had a crappy day too.


  11. I once almost lost my pants trying to adjust the drawstring around my waist while running. It was a pretty comical moment.

  12. No bird poo for me, but I have heard similar stories from others. We always say it is good luck. Thanks for sharing!

    Although I did trip over a line that I tried to hop my junior year of high school at pre season golf course practice for cross country. Did I mention I was the new kid? It was pretty embarassing, especially since everyone else made it over without problem.


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