The country has been experiencing some very high temperatures over the past 6 days. Here on the east coast, the thermometers hit a sunny, humid 103 degrees F yesterday. Given these conditions, please keep the following things in mind when you run outdoors:
1) Make sure to drink liquids prior to working out and don't hesitate to carry a bottle of water with you on the run.
2) Try to run early in the morning or later at night when it's cooler.
3) Make sure to carry some form of identification with you. I have a ROAD ID band. You could run with your driver's license too.
4) Run courses that provide some shade. I like to run along the Connecticut River because the trees act like a canopy.
5) Try to run with someone else and ease back on the pace. If you had planned to do a hard run that day, reschedule that run. You'll never be able to perform because of the conditions so don't worry about that.
6) If you end up running alone, let someone know where you're going.
7) If you'd rather not carry water, run a course that you can stop at water fountains along the way or plan to stop at convenience stores to hydrate.
8) Always be heads up. People driving around where you're running could be less than alert because of the weather too.
9) Put sunscreen on, wear light colored clothes, sunglasses and a hat.
9) Put sunscreen on, wear light colored clothes, sunglasses and a hat.
I hope this helps. Please be safe out there!