
Hi! My name is Ken. I'm going to periodically write about running, writing, and a number of other topics. Please feel free to read my posts and provide your comments. If you have a question about any topic, leave a message and I'll try to help you get the information you're looking for. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again soon.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Quite Frankly Charlotte, I DO Give a Damn!

The Northeast just got whacked last night with anywhere from 24 to 36 inches of snow from Blizzard Charlotte. I was scheduled to run five miles early this morning, but it looks like my plans will have to be adjusted. I still plan to snowshoe later after I clear the snow from my driveway, porch, and back deck. Calvin has that look in his eyes too. He wants to go out with me when I snowshoe. But he's never had to run through this much snow on the trail before. 

Several weeks ago we did two or three workouts in the snow and Calvin loved it. At the time, there was only about eight to ten inches to get through, with the exceptional foot and a half snow drift.  It was snowing during one of the workouts, which made it even more challenging. With wind gusts of twenty miles an hour, the trails we made were soon buried. But we weren't the only ones out there. We saw a guy with his golden retriever out and about. They appeared from around a corner of the trail from a blast of snow.

Well, I'm just about to start my snow clearing activities this morning. This after my son and I cleared the first sixteen or so inches of snow off of his car and our driveway around 11:30 pm last night. I'm hoping that the second time through is quick and easy to finish. It's still snowing though.

Take care and happy running.



  1. My Corgi loves the snow, but we have nothing even close to that around here. I don't think we've had even 8 inches at one time this year. Obviously, a corgi isn't going to go with me anywhere in very much snow, and he can't keep up when I run, but I have taken advantage of what snow we've had with the snowshoes. I just went out on a mini shoe run Friday.

    I know all the snow you guys have gotten has probably been a huge inconvenience in several ways for several people, but it's good you're taking whatever advantages there are to it.

  2. I've been able to get some running/hiking workouts in on the trails Calvin loves to run on so it's been okay. Your corgi has really short legs so it would totally disappear in the 30 or so inches of snow we got here. However, I'm figuring it still might like to run around in the snow. Ha!

  3. Hope you have been able to enjoy some runs lately without so much snow! Winter is always frustrating because I feel like sometimes it forces you to readjust your whole week of training, especially if it's bad enough and you know your long run/workout would do more harm than good. Looking forward to spring, to say the least! :)

  4. Hey Nicole,

    Thanks for stopping by. Yes, Calvin and I have been running and hiking on the snow covered trails. During the week, I've been able to run around my office at lunch. Now they're saying we might get another 6 to 8 inches of snow this weekend. I hope not. I'm with you on this spring thing. It can't get here soon enough.


Your comments are appreciated!