
Hi! My name is Ken. I'm going to periodically write about running, writing, and a number of other topics. Please feel free to read my posts and provide your comments. If you have a question about any topic, leave a message and I'll try to help you get the information you're looking for. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again soon.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

While Running, Beware of Scat.... And Mountain Lions

About a week ago, a mountain lion was hit and killed by a SUV in Milford, CT. The strange thing is that the nearest population of such animals is in Florida. The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection has said that there aren't any such creatures in this area.  They are fairly certain that the killed lion was a captive one, not a native animal. They even sent samples of animal droppings, scat, to be analyzed to confirm some sitings and DNA to help identify where the creature might have originated from.

As someone who enjoys trail running and the outdoors, such an incident has me reassessing how aware I am of my surroundings while out in the woods. I know there are cases of people being attacked and even killed by mountain lions out west. So the next time you're out hiking or trail running, enjoy yourself, but remember to be heads up, don't step in scat, and avoid confrontations with mountain lions.


  1. O0ps! It will be BAD idea to come face to face with mountain lion.

  2. Hi Ken - This has absolutely nothing to do with mountain lions (well, maybe it can if they're in VT!); but I know you've been looking for some team running events - the Okemo Mtn. Challenge (5K and 10M) trail races are July 30th in Ludlow,VT. Teams of unlimited size can enter - 3 fastest runners per team score points for team and top three teams qualify for awards. Here's the link - Best of all, there is a post-race cookout w/live music at the summit! :-) - MG

  3. They said for years and years that we didn't have any in northern Michigan, but now there's posted warnings for them all over after a few confirmed sightings/scat tests over the years.


Your comments are appreciated!