
Hi! My name is Ken. I'm going to periodically write about running, writing, and a number of other topics. Please feel free to read my posts and provide your comments. If you have a question about any topic, leave a message and I'll try to help you get the information you're looking for. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again soon.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snowblower Blues

Now have you heard the news? I've got the snowblower blues. 
 I said have you heard the news? I've got the snowblower blues.
This ain't no winter ruse.  It's just not something I would do.
Now have you heard the news? I've got the snowblower blues.
All right have you heard the news? I've got the snowblower blu-whooos.
This thing went for a snooze. And I have no one to accuse.
Now have you heard the news? I've got the snowblower blues.
Oh no have you heard the news? I've got the snowblower blues.
Look at that oily ooze, all over my new fancy shoes.
Now have you heard the news? I've got the snowblower blues.
But wait you have heard the news. I've got the snowblower blu-whooos.
It's time to go peruse, that big brown box with all my booze. 
My snowblower just died today after we got 24 inches of snow.
I'm in a strange state of mind so I put together this little lyrical jazzy poem.
Luckily my neighbor let me use his snowblower. But damn those town snowplows.
They just dumped another four feet of snow at the end of my driveway tonight. Oh well.
Snowblower blues, again.  


  1. Ha! That's a funny poem. You can bring that snow-blower to my house because I'm done shoveling for the year!

    ps- thanks for the BH link!

  2. David,

    Thanks for stopping by. I went a little crazy while writing that poem. I'm going to get a real big snowblower for next year.

    I hope the link helps you in some way.


  3. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Looks like you have a lot of fun on yours. Have a good running season.

  4. These look like some great winter lyrics... Do you play? This could be my winter theme song :)

    Thanks for stopping my the blog too! Keep running.

  5. Thanks guys.

    Chuck, I starting playing the guitar a year ago.


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